How to reduce perimenopause symptoms and create balance

lifestyle perimenopause womens health Nov 16, 2022
balancing stones

In my last blog post, we discussed what perimenopause is, this blog post will give you more actionable steps on how to reduce perimenopause symptoms and live with more balance.

Everyone is different when it comes to Perimenopause symptoms, timing and duration. This is why it’s so important to know yourself and your cycle and to be prepared for this transition phase.

“It is only when you take responsibility for your life that you discover how powerful you truly are.”

– Allanah Hunt

Choose your state of being.

Regardless of your phase of life, be it menstruation, perimenopause, or menopause there are lifestyle adjustments you can make to reduce symptoms that are often experienced in these phases of womanhood.


Daily movement is important!

I'm not talking about strenuous exercise, but moving your body in ways that feel good to you that day. As women, we often associate exercise with weight loss, so we think it must be high intensity, which often puts us off “exercise”.

Forget weight loss and focus on well-being

Ask yourself, what movement will make me feel good today?

Try out some new physical activities such as hula hooping, dancing, or mini trampoline (one of my favourites). Or take up something you did a long time ago that made you feel good. 

The World Health Organization, W.H.O., recommends 150 minutes of moderate physical activity a week. This is about 22 minutes a day - easily accomplished, right?

Physical activity is also a preventive against cardiovascular diseases, obesity and stress. So whenever the overwhelm hits; go for a walk, have a gentle stretch, or why not put on your favourite song and dance it out?


When it comes to living in health and vitality, we need to be mindful of what we are eating and doing daily and the frequency is important too. Balance is key!

Think of food as medicine. It is the single most important thing you can control when it comes to your health. A "prescription" for eating whole foods may help you avoid the prescription of chronic medication in the future.

The nutrients in whole foods promote healthy cells and protect your body from disease.

My top nutrition tips:

  • Eat the rainbow - make sure you are eating a variety at every meal and make your plate colourful
  • Eat whole foods - less out of the packet and tin and more out of the ground!
  • Look for seasonal, local and organic wherever possible.
  • Make time for meal times - remove all distractions, and focus on eating and even better if you can share the meal with family or friends.

Avoid chemical overload 

I have a rule when it comes to home and beauty products - never use something with an ingredient you can’t spell! 

Many of the products we use in our homes and on our bodies have a lasting impact on our health, due to the toxic chemicals, which can disrupt the endocrine system (hormones), and our immune system which makes us more susceptible to viruses and disease.

After changing my nutrition years ago when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I realized that it is not only what I put in my body, but what I put on and around my body too. I started researching how to clean my home with natural ingredients and how to choose safe cosmetic products. 

My advice is to stick to basic, natural ingredients like baking soda, vinegar and essential oils


During the transition of Perimenopause, hormones often disrupt sleep patterns and exacerbate the menopausal symptoms you may already be experiencing.

Rather than reaching for sleeping pills which won’t fix the problem, but only make it worse, believe it or not. 

Try getting into a good sleep routine:

  • Have regular bedtimes and wakeup times
  • Create a calm environment in your room - diffuse lavender oil, dim lights, or play soothing music
  • Practice deep breathing or meditation at bedtime
  • Keep your room at a cool temperature, not cold and not too warm either
  • Avoid your phone or other screens for 1-2 hours before bed
  • Avoid caffeine after 12 pm 
  • Avoid alcohol. Contrary to popular belief - alcohol is a sleep disruptor!
  • Daily exercise will help but avoid exercising around bedtime.


Mindfulness practices help us to pause, ground in the moment and be present. Mindfulness develops awareness and allows us to choose how we respond to any given situation.

A regular meditation practice is a great way to cleanse the mind! It allows you to take a break from daily stressors, and the cleansing effects amplify when you add deep belly breathing to your meditation. 

Your parasympathetic nervous system switches on and encourages your body to go into a rest and digest state… giving your body's systems time to do their work. 

I have some free meditations here for you if you’re needing guidance.

For those not into meditation, find something you enjoy that allows you to slow down and just be. It could be a walk in nature, painting or yoga, but it could also look like a 5-minute pause to take deep breaths, have a cup of herbal tea in your favourite chair or pick some flowers from your garden.

Take a small step every day

So, to some, the above may seem like a lot, but if you decide to start one new healthy habit a week, you will be moving in the right direction. 

Perimenopause, like any life transition, can be tough, so give yourself all the care and compassion that you can. 

Living with intention and making conscious decisions regarding your health are priceless and powerful. The more you take charge of your lifestyle and make healthy choices for your mind and body, the more you find ease and balance.

If you need some extra guidance, get in touch with me to discuss individual coaching or the in-person or online group programs I offer.


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