Was ich heute anders mache als mit 30 Feb 04, 2025


 Mit 30 dachte ich, ich hätte das Leben ganz gut im Griff. Ich war voller Energie, konnte essen, was ich wollte (zumindest dachte ich das), und schlief meist ohne Probleme. Bewegung? Hauptsache viel und intensiv. Stress? Gehörte halt dazu. Heute, Jahre später und mit...

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Die Kraft der Atmung: Wechseljahrsymptome mit AtemĆ¼bungen lindern breathwork lifestyle mindfulness perimenopause womens health Nov 07, 2024

Die Wechseljahre sind eine Zeit des Wandels. Doch während diese Phase ein natürlicher Teil des Lebenszyklus ist, bringt sie häufig körperliche und emotionale Herausforderungen mit sich: Hitzewallungen, Schlafprobleme, Stimmungsschwankungen und innere Unruhe...

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Vom Herbst lernen - dein Immunsystem stƤrken! food health & nutrition coaching lifestyle perimenopause womens health Sep 30, 2024



Vom Herbst lernen

Als ich am 15. August verkündet haben, dass der Herbst langsam Einzug hält, wollte niemand etwas davon hören. Ganz leise habe ich ihn schon am Morgentau und an den kühleren Temperaturen am Abend entdeckt. 

Der Spätsommer und...

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Was ist Perimenopause? lifestyle perimenopause womens health Sep 30, 2024



Die Perimenopause (peri, griechisch für "bald” + menopause) ist ein längeres Übergangsstadium zur Menopause, das im Durchschnitt 3-4 Jahre andauert. Sie kann aber auch nur einige Monate oder bis zu 10 Jahre dauern.


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Fight your stress level with good food. food health & nutrition coaching lifestyle perimenopause stressmanagement womens health Mar 17, 2023

Nutrition can play an important role in managing stress. Eating a healthy, balanced diet can provide your body with the nutrients it needs to cope with stress and maintain optimal health. Here are some specific benefits of nutrition to stress:

  1. Regulates cortisol levels: Cortisol is a hormone...

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How to care for your Diaphragm breathwork essential oils health & nutrition coaching lifestyle mindfulness womens health Feb 16, 2023


We usually say when someone can't stop talking.

When we talk a lot and are excited or stressed simultaneously, we no longer pay attention to our breathing, which becomes increasingly shallow.

Stop for a moment and concentrate on deep breathing. What does this mean exactly?

Deep breathing...

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How to treat cold feet food health & nutrition coaching lifestyle recipes Jan 18, 2023

Do you often have cold feet and think that's just the way it is - you can't change that?

You’re not alone.

I also often had cold feet until I learned about Chinese medicine (TMC) and its nutrition principles.

In TCM, they say energy stops flowing when you have cold feet and hands, among...

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An end of year ritual - The 12 Holy Nights lifestyle mindfulness Dec 15, 2022

This time of year is always a time for reflection and contemplation for me. 

With all the chaos, the Christmas presents, recipes and family get-togethers, I would love to invite you to discover a special ritual that I have found to be helpful:

The Rough Nights, known in German as Die...

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How to make lasting lifestyle changes with an Integrative Health & Nutrition Coach health & nutrition coaching lifestyle womens health Dec 01, 2022

You know what your best self should look like, but you don’t know exactly how to get there or you’re struggling to persist. 

That’s where a Health & Nutrition Coach, like me, is a game-changer! 

A H&N Coach gives you the tools you need to reach your goals and...

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How to reduce perimenopause symptoms and create balance lifestyle perimenopause womens health Nov 16, 2022

In my last blog post, we discussed what perimenopause is, this blog post will give you more actionable steps on how to reduce perimenopause symptoms and live with more balance.

Everyone is different when it comes to Perimenopause symptoms, timing and duration. This is why it’s so important...

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The why behind my story - nutrition food lifestyle recipes Jan 26, 2022

Why did I choose the lifestyle I live today?
It's been only a little bit more than 8 years since I struggled with life. I was constantly overworked, stressed and tried to juggle everything. My family, my partnership, my job, my friendships, and myself.

In addition, I got the impression that I...

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Superfood food recipes Dec 22, 2021

Why wander far and wide when good things are so close by? :0)

We talk about superfoods a lot nowadays. What does that mean? 

The definition: Superfood is a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.

I'd like to share some simple ways you can add...

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