Die Wechseljahre sind eine Zeit des Wandels. Doch während diese Phase ein natürlicher Teil des Lebenszyklus ist, bringt sie häufig körperliche und emotionale Herausforderungen mit sich: Hitzewallungen, Schlafprobleme, Stimmungsschwankungen und innere Unruhe...
We usually say when someone can't stop talking.
When we talk a lot and are excited or stressed simultaneously, we no longer pay attention to our breathing, which becomes increasingly shallow.
Stop for a moment and concentrate on deep breathing. What does this mean exactly?
Deep breathing...
This time of year is always a time for reflection and contemplation for me.
With all the chaos, the Christmas presents, recipes and family get-togethers, I would love to invite you to discover a special ritual that I have found to be helpful: